By the year 2050, one in ten inhabitants in Denmark are expected to be more than 80 years old. They are often complex patients and can be difficult to treat. The government presented a national action plan for this particular type of patient and RSI (the Danish Region’s Health Technology and Innovation) awarded the contract for the delivery, operation, maintenance and support of clinical decision support to Trifork in collaboration with, Netic and Testhuset.
There was a need for clinically qualified decision support for doctors in Hospitals and the Primary sector, when prescribing medication or conducting a medication list review.
The main objectives were to help reduce:
The system provides decision support to the Danish clinicians when prescribing medication, medication review and prescription renewal. It consists of 11 decision support modules that are exposed as a national web service. The decision support is integrated into the individual medical systems found in the Danish GP System and Electronic Health Records (EHR).
The solution:
The objective was to help reduce medication errors and thus reduce the number of medical related hospital admissions and re-admissions for the elderly complex patient. The solution, Clinical Decision Support, came with a broader scope than the above and focuses on helping reduce medication errors for the entire population – not just for the elderly patient.
Due to close and flexible collaboration with all stakeholders; RSI, Trifork, Netic, Testhuset and, Clinical Decision Support was delivered within scope, time and price.
Clinical Decision Support provides a standardised, yet customisable perspective on united decision support, covering GPs as well as Hospital doctors.
The project leverages Triforks vast knowledge of the healthcare domain and innovative approach using cutting edge technology, to create better patient care for the benefit of the individual patient as well as the society as a whole.
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